I decided to create a note taking app for myself. Here’s what I wanted it to be.

  • Should be capable of taking notes from terminal
  • Notes should be separated by date.
  • Each note should have a date stamp
  • Printing of current day’s not should be easy.

Its a very simple app and there are multiple apps similar to this out there. But I built it myself anyway.


Adding a note n comment

➜  ~: n starting a post 

Printing current day’s not pn

➜  ~: pn

15:10:00 - starting a post


Script for note taking

➜  ~: cat notes/n

FILE=/Users/deepak.benny/notes/day/note-`date +%F`.txt                                                   

echo -e '\n'`date +%X` - $@ >> $FILE 

Script for note printing

➜  ~: cat notes/pn.sh 
cat ~/notes/day/note-`date +%F`.txt