DevOps culture is embraced by lot of companies now.

What triggered it?

  • onset of microservices?
    • No Single point of contact for entire infrastructure?
    • High reliability for services?
    • To create common development pattern for efficient working of micro teams?

Expectation from devops?

Expectation is to have a software engineering mindset and apply those principle in all operational tasks. In short address all concerns that created the role. However most of the teams that I have worked with doesn’t really follow this philisophy. What I observed is an operation team with a new title. There is nothing wrong with it, maybe thats what companies need.

Expectation now?

However in recent times, i have noticed a trend towards hiring pure software engineers for devops related roles. I noticed it working well, however my observation was limited to only a few set of engineers so my conclusion might not be accurate.